Thursday, May 14, 2020

skeletal system

name the carpal bones -the carpal bones are 8 small bones that make ups the wrist. that connect the hand to the forearm 

4 proximal carpal bones -

  1. seathroid - boat shaped
  2. lunate-half moon shaped
  3. triguetnum- pyramidal
  4. periform - pear shaped with oval facetal .

4 distal carpal bones-

  1. trapezium -quadrangular
  2. trapezoid-shoe of baby
  3. capitate - largest bone 
  4. hamate - wedge shaped.

The largest bone in the body -  the femur or  thigh.(lower leg) bone ,is the largest and strongest bone of the body,extends from hip to the knee

name the parts of the femur are -
upper  :-

  • head
  • neck
  • greater and lessen trochanter 
  • intertrochanteric line
  • intertrochanteric crest 

middle -

  • shaft

lower  :-

  • medial epicondyle,medial condyle
  • lateral condyne,lateral epicondyle
  • nutrient foramen.
  • patellar surface
  • epiphyseal  line
  • adductor tubercle 
classify the bones :-
bones is the substance that forms the skeletal of the body .it is composed of chiefly calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate and other salts .it is highly vascular and has characteristics growth mechanism and regeneration capacity.

name the bones of upper lims:-

 the upper limbs is the region in a vertebrate animal extending from the deltoid region upto including the hand.
each upper limb is formed by 30 bones :-

  1. apper arm - humerous bone 
  2. fore arm - radius bone,ulna bone 
  3. wrist- 8 carpal bone -  scaphoid bone ,lunate bone,triquetrum bone, pisiform bone ,trapezium bone ,trapezoid bone,capitate bone ,hamate bone. ( totle 8 bone) .
  4. palm of hand - 5 metacarpal bones 
  5. fingers - 14 phalanges bones 

name the lower limbs bones :-

the lower limb is commenly known as the leg however in the anatomy the term leg only applies to the portion of the lower limbs inferior to the knee joint and superior to the ankle joint
the lover limb consisit of total 60 bones out of following 30 bones .the each free lower limb is formed by following 30 bones ,the bones are -

  1. femur bone (thigh)
  2. patella bone (knee)
  3. tibia bone (leg)
  4. fibula bone (leg)
  5. tarsal bone (leg)
 talus bone
 calcereus bone
 cuboid bone
 navicular bone
 cunieform bone .


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