Thursday, May 14, 2020

first aid kit


 The content of the first aid kit   sould be adequate for small work sites contractin of approximately two to three employed when longer operation or multiple operation additional first aid kits should br provided at the work site.

      It is important that everything be ready for immediately use.

                          The following items should be included I the first aid kit .

1.       Gauze  dressing – to control bleeding or secretion and prevent contamination

2.       Roll of gauze bandage – it is for support the wound dressing or sore muscle

3.       Adhesive bandage –its for simple cuts

4.       Cotton -

5.       Adhesive tape – to hold the dressing or splint in a place

6.       Mild antiseptic spray-its for the eleaning the wound

7.       Scissors -

8.       Safety pins -

9.       Tube of petroleum jelly –it for used to smooth and easily .

10.   Pen and pencile – for record the (TPR) temperature ,pulse ,respiration

11.   Emergency ph no – doctor ,pharmacy ,ambulance ,etc.

12.   Water bottle –for drink ,clean wound

13.   Tongue depressor –for depress the tongue.

14.   Splints – its for immunize the body parts

15.   Thermometer –to assist the body temperature

16.   Mackintosh – to protect bed

17.   Match box -

18.   Eye drops -

19.   Anti itching solution or cream – for relief of insets or cream

20.   Antibiotic ointment –to prevent infection of mirror wounds. Ex (betadin).

21.   Face mask – to prevent against smoke dust and allergy.

23.   Clean towel – for a pillow or as a wrap of for eyes

24.   Ice pack –to reduce the swelling

25.   First aid hand book – it is also important to have some basic medicine on hand

26.   Analgesics- to relief the pain
                      Example .
        ·         tab -asprin (headache)
        ·         diclofac sodium (joint pain)
        ·         tab-dolo 650(fever)
        ·         tab-ibuprofen ( mussels pain )

27.   antibiotic –to prevent the infection

       ·         Ex-  tab-amoxillin
       ·         Tab-enthromyein
       ·         Inj-cefroxin
28.   Antipyretic-to reduse the fever,ex tab-paracetomol,inj-febrainil.

29.   Antacid- to reduse the acidity.
       ·         Tab – pantac
       ·         Tab-pantoprozole-40

30.   Chemical ice pack-

31.   Anti-histamine - for allergic action and intching.

The end .. thank you..!