Saturday, May 9, 2020

GNM first year fundamental of nursing {exercise}

Exercise :  exercise is the performance of physical exertion for a improvement of health on the correction of physical deformity .

goals :  1] to promote mobility.

             2] to strengthen muscle.

             3] to promote normal movement   as possible to prevent deformities.    

             4] to stimulate the function of various organs and body system .

             5] to restore the motivation and well being of the patient .

benefits of exercise :  

  1. maintain the muscle tone and joint mobability 
  2. maintain the bone density
  3. stimulate the blood circulation 
  4. help to reduce edema
  5. prevent obesity
  6. regulates body temperature
  7. improves appetite and digestion 
  8. prevent constipation and gas 
  9. promotes elimination 
  10. improve the lung function 
  11. prevent bed sore 
  12. adds to the beauty 
types  of exercise :  a]  active exercise
                               b]  passive exercise 

active exercise :   active exercise are accomplished by the pateint without assistance .
                                                       ex. deep breathing exercise ,couting exercise ,range of motion exercise 

passive exercise: an  exercise carried out by the therapist or other person without assistance from the pateint pateint takes no active point in exercise .
                                                  ex. head bath .massage back cane.

  point to remember :  1) for the doctors order for any specific precaution .
                                                         2) plane the exercise according to age ,sex,and physical condition of the pateint .
                                                         3) maintain good ventilation in the room .
                                                         4)use loose clothes .
                                                         5) avoid over extortion.
                                                         6) avoid exercises immediately after meal  .